31 Day Decluttering Challenge

I don’t know about you, but after the holidays are over I have a huge urge to get my house back in order. For most of us, our house is a little cluttered to begin with. Then you add on all of the decorations and new items that you just acquired over Christmas and you are busting at the seams!

That’s why I plan on doing the 31 Day Decluttering Challenge starting on January 1st. Here’s how it works, starting on January 1st, you donate/ throw away one item. On January 2nd, you get rid of two items. On January 15th, you get rid of fifteen items, and so on until you get to January 31st where you get rid of, you guessed it, thirty one items!

Now, before you get overwhelmed with the thought of getting rid of thirty one things in one day, remember that it can be anything that is not useful. For example, it could be old make up you don’t use, clothing, knick knacks, expired condiments in the fridge, old spices from the cabinet, those hurricane rations from a few seasons back, toys your kids haven’t touched in years, all of those push pins that you have kept in your junk drawer even though you no longer have a cork board, literally ANYTHING.

I’m going to post in my story on Instagram daily to show what I am getting rid of and I encourage you to do the same. I think it will keep the momentum going throughout the month. I am so ready to be able to close a drawer without having to shove everything down in it or open a closet without being afraid that something is going to fall out on me. I’m even going to get the kids involved. I feel like telling Aiden that he needs to find five things in his room to get rid of will be more productive than just telling him to go clean up his room. Everyone works better with goals.

I’m ready to get my house back in order. Who’s with me?

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