$2 Accent Wall

When Aubrey was about two, I ordered these colored dots from Amazon https://amzn.to/2W0izaz They were so bright, colorful, and fun just like our little girl. Her room was so cheerful, it fit here perfectly.

This was her room this past Christmas. For whatever reason, somewhere in between then and now, she has decided to take her dots off of her wall and decorate everything else in her room with them. After washing a few clothes and a blanket with these dots on them (and ruining them because once adhesive heats up in the dryer, it is almost impossible to separate), I decided we needed to remove them and do something different.

See the dots all over her furniture, pictures, floor?

Now, because we are still in these uncertain times with the Covid-19 pandemic, I didn’t want to spend a bunch of money and order fancy wallpaper (even though I REALLY wanted to) so I used what I had: an old gallon of primer (that is the only white paint I had) and a kitchen sponge like these https://amzn.to/2yyPD0W

I rounded the edges of the sponge with the scissors so it wouldn’t be such a harsh line. Then, I poured the paint in the Tupperware container, and sponged away. I don’t really know what pattern I was going for, and in retrospect I really should of measured and marked the wall to keep it all even but you know what? I didn’t. And Aubrey loves it. That’s what matters in the end, right? And, she can’t remove it!

I ordered these macrame plant holders (3 pack) https://amzn.to/3btBK2H and had to put one in her room. I think it’s so cute. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve likely noticed that I am slowly turning into a crazy plant lady! Hi. My name is Kelley, and I have a problem.

But seriously! Look how cute.

And since we are already here, look at this adorable picture of Aubrey having a tea party with her stuffed animals in a wild flower field. I just love it!

Are you working on any cheap/ free DIY projects while under quarantine?

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